Janelle went to see a pelvic floor specialist so she could tend to her erotic wellness and nurture her life force. Confused? Andrea was too, so she interviewed Janelle. This isn’t your mama’s GYNO or massage therapist. It’s a sacred space-holding for holistic pelvic care that helps you feels safe in your body. There’s a nod to Caamp’s song “Life Force” and Bessel Van Der Kolk’s book “The Body Keeps the Score”. You’ll hear:
--Why we must tend to our womb like we tend to our teeth, skin and bones
--A definition of holistic pelvic care and why it’s different than a papsmere
--How your womb matters even if you haven’t given birth
--The prevalence of sexual shame, even without Trauma--All about non-sexual touching in a typically sexual place
--Exactly what you’re storing in your labia!!
Janelle Orion 0:01
Hi Friend Hi friend
Andrea Enright 0:03
enter the brave hearts listening out there welcome to permission to be human. I'm Andrea
Janelle Orion 0:08
and I'm Janelle.
Andrea Enright 0:08
Get ready for some real time relationship whoo and wisdom from the frontlines with occasional tantrums and tears about how breaking rules blurring boundaries and tossing tradition can be catalysts for finding your truth.
Janelle Orion 0:20
Let's debunk the fairytales we were told as children and create a new map for life. Yes, Disney can go fuck it. If you're seeking permission to choose your own path, freedom is the new afterward people and want to feel less alone along the way. We got you.
Andrea Enright 0:36
Please note, this is our side of the story. Our partners and metaphors have their own individual experiences and we do not speak for them.
Janelle Orion 0:53
Hey, Andrea,
Andrea Enright 0:54
you ready for today?
Janelle Orion 0:55
I am. I am so excited for today.
Andrea Enright 0:57
I know you mentioned this. So Bravehearts, listen up. This is going to be a really informative episode, where I feel like scientific means spiritual, or, like this is a combination of feminine power that I'm pretty excited about. To know you just had a session with a pelvic floor specialist. So what the hell is that?
Janelle Orion 1:22
So before I even go into that, I realized that there's something above that right like there is the health and wellness industry.
Andrea Enright 1:31
Mm hmm. And massive, massive In fact,
Janelle Orion 1:35
I looked it up $5.6 trillion industry worldwide, just in case anyone was wondering. I was
Andrea Enright 1:41
just wondering it this morning. How big is the health and wellness industry? Massive.
Janelle Orion 1:46
And I know for me, when I think about health and wellness, I'm often thinking about oh, there's mental health, right, which we didn't used to always think about, but now we think about that a lot. And then we think about our physical health, right, what's our body and then also our skincare like going to the gym being strong exercising our face routines getting routine and what erotic wellness is a term that you may never have heard of. is another layer deeper. So we've got the mental you got the physical and this is the erotic is like an energetic, lifeforce energy,
Andrea Enright 2:28
lifeforce energy that is located
Janelle Orion 2:31
and like activated and stored in our root chakra or in our womb area in our sexual organs. That that's where it gets
Andrea Enright 2:44
activated from Okay. Tracking erotic wellness, erotic wellness chakra is here. Yes. Okay.
Janelle Orion 2:51
Mm hmm. And that in Tantra, we talk about the integration of Mind, Body spiritual, and lifeforce energy as the way to feel whole.
Andrea Enright 3:08
Okay, barely tracking but still tracking.
Janelle Orion 3:11
Okay. Let me see if I can say something different.
Andrea Enright 3:15
I like it was like how would you define? Can you enter lifeforce energy. So it's tricky, but like, yeah, what is what actually would come to mind is a song right? There's song bike, there's a song by camp that my friend Leslie told me about called lifeforce and it says, Are you a lifeforce? And we've talked about this before before even because she heard it on the podcast and she was like, Andrea, there's a song called lifeforce.
Unknown Speaker 3:40
Oh my gosh. Thanks, Ashley.
Andrea Enright 3:41
So how would you define lifeforce energy?
Janelle Orion 3:45
Great question. lifeforce energy is the energy that some people believe is responsible for the life and well being of all living things. It's such a circulate throughout the body, revitalizing cells and keeping people alive and healthy. That's a pretty big deal. lifeforce energy is also thought to be responsible for spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well being.
Andrea Enright 4:12
Okay. I just like fell over like, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical well being. Yes. Is Like, is there anything beyond that? Like, is there anything underneath that it feels like the Holy Grail of all of our wellness?
Janelle Orion 4:27
I would, that's how I feel. Okay. All right. And yet, here it is. It lives as I said, in this root chakra area,
Andrea Enright 4:35
right down the privates and the
down there, down there. That's what it used to be.
Janelle Orion 4:44
And that this is, it's so essential to our well being. And it's completely like when I say I'm a huge advocate for increasing our education and skills on pleasure and intimacy. It's like yes, you have to understand your lifeforce energy and where it comes from and how to activate it. Mm hmm. and this can be tied to sexual energy for sure. But sexual energy and erotic energy are actually not the same thing sexual our sexuality is a way to access our erotic okay, but the erotic is also creative. It's my says this lifeforce energy, okay. It's like when we're buzzing with aliveness with ideas with like, Oh, I'm gonna like, do whatever. Right when I'm gonna create something that is lifeforce energy.
Andrea Enright 5:31
Okay, so sexuality is just one way. Yes. One Channel, maybe. Okay, so many questions arising from you, but I'm going to try to wait. So should we talk now about the pelvic floor specialist? Yes. So, you went to see one? Yes. Start
there. Like,
Janelle Orion 5:49
I want to see, okay, let's start with like, what isn't pelvic floor specialist? Right, right. And so suddenly, I'd like to describe is that there's a spectrum of pelvic care, okay. Right, there is the medical end of things, which would include a gynecologist and or a pelvic floor PT, which is a physical therapist, right? Or you can go into the sacred sexual aspect, which would be like the tantra realm where you're taking the energy into orgasmic states. Okay. And then in the middle, is what I went to, which is a holistic pelvic care specialist, Sydney, of Zwicker healing arts in Denver. Okay,
Andrea Enright 6:34
so and I read, she's highly trained, and trauma informed. Mm hmm. It's like a massage therapist, but specifically in wound care. Yes, they word. Well, she combines like everyday read it. She combines intuitive energy work, I think with physiology and anatomy. Mm hmm. Yeah. So I see those two, it's like the the joint that you were talking about the spectrum. There's like the physical then there's the spiritual and she's doing both in the middle. Yes, that's really helpful.
Janelle Orion 7:02
And she's, she's like, highly trained in different modalities, including therapeutic massage, cranial sacral, therapy, lymphatic drainage, okay, energy work. So, in every session that she has with someone with every person is different, and then even with the same person, every session is different. Okay,
Andrea Enright 7:21
awesome. That's yeah, sounds beautiful, and really customized and curated.
Janelle Orion 7:25
And what you can hear is what her training is not in the medical professional, right? Because that is one type of pelvic care, which we know about, right, which is like a gynecologist, or some people may not know about a pelvic PT, physiotherapist. And then that's one end of the spectrum of pelvic care. There's another one called sacred sexual, which is someone who views the sexual energy as sacred and spiritual, and in activates the orgasmic energy for pleasure and for healing. And that would be something that like a ton Chica, got
Andrea Enright 8:01
to know the difference, all right. And then you said in the middle is this holistic pelvic care, right? And
Janelle Orion 8:07
this holistic pelvic care is what Sydney offers and what I want to go see, okay. And my experience in seeing her was the feeling that I had was, Oh, she's offering to me what women have been offering each other. For since the millennia since the beginning of time, where we're honoring the sacredness of our womb space, and pouring attention into it.
Andrea Enright 8:37
Maybe love to so yes. So you talking about like red tent stuff? Like, in that kind of attention way, right? Like, oh, we're honoring the sacred space, even though of course, they were like, Oh, you have to be gonna be over here. Because you're bleeding. But in general, there was a gathering around a well, I'm not goodness to it. Like in that same way. No,
Janelle Orion 8:59
in that moment. Anyway. I'm thinking of a group of women, right? This was just the two of us. I just mean yeah, you're like, oh, just I have an issue. I'm gonna go to like the wise woman in in the village. Yes. And she's going to like, put her hands. I mean, she's gonna give me herbs. And she's gonna say her prayers. And yeah, that's the spirit.
Andrea Enright 9:18
Yes. Yeah. Okay, great. So why were you interested in this? Like,
Janelle Orion 9:24
essentially, I was curious, right? Because I, I work in this range of pelvic care. But I had been hearing about it for a while. I had several friends actually go have seen Sidney, another one side different pelvic care specialist, and she calls her her pussy witch. And so I was like, Yeah, I would love to see what this is about.
Andrea Enright 9:46
And so why would you were just basically curious, you didn't have any specific issues. Is that right? Like that you wanted to solve? Yes,
Janelle Orion 9:54
I was not going to solve anything but I was curious to see. Like, what Is there something that I should know about?
Andrea Enright 10:02
Right? What don't you know?
Janelle Orion 10:04
What don't I know? Yeah. And because of the work that I do, and you know, people have heard me talk about the tantric a session that I had, where, you know, there was a butt plug, and there was like the internal massage, like I have to had a lot of internal massage work done. And I'm very, very, very clear on how much that internal massage in the releasing of the stuck energy that I've had in my system, from my own lived experience, and also from what I believe is ancestral Catholicism, all that stuff has greatly impacted my ability to feel right down in my Yoni and within my, like uterus in my womb, like hmm, so much has shifted for me as a result of me doing my own work. And now I was just doing I was just going to see another specialist at nap.
Andrea Enright 10:56
Okay, got it. And why else would someone go? So
Janelle Orion 11:00
if you have pain during sex, if you've ever had trauma in your specifically in your womb area, obviously a rape or assault or something like that, if you're going through menopause, if you've got curiosity, or if you've got confusion, you're like us something doesn't I'm just not sure. Either I either you don't feel anything or you don't feel enough? Yeah, something off. And at the same time, I say, these are all great reasons to go. And what I would say after my experience, and singing, I discussed this, this was to me. Like a almost like a brushing of the teeth experience in
Andrea Enright 11:39
that. Yeah, no, this is like, what do you mean? I was like,
Janelle Orion 11:43
I have a womb. That would I talked about in the beginning of this episode about the lifeforce energy that comes out of it. Right, like we have created the entire universe out of the womb. And we don't look at it, we don't touch it, we don't talk about it. No, and yet, it's something that every woman born in this body has. And there's just like a basic education, and knowledge and experience and embodiment that they use just like when maintenance. Right? It's just like loving touch. And it doesn't even have to be on the inside, it can be on the outside. So I'll keep talking about it. But it was like so basic of like,
Andrea Enright 12:30
so what I'm hearing, is my hair done,
Janelle Orion 12:32
just why wouldn't I get my pelvis looked at? Okay,
Andrea Enright 12:35
so you've said womb a lot, and you haven't had a child? Correct. And so we all have this womb, but we're not tending to it. I mean, I'm not tending to mine and I had a child. And you're saying that it doesn't matter if you've had a child or not, you still have a womb, and you still need to attend to it.
Janelle Orion 12:53
Right? Right. Yeah, a womb that it's like the physiological and the energetic piece of it. But it has nothing to do whether you had a child or not.
Andrea Enright 13:02
Right. Got it. But another something you didn't list in that have reasons to go is any kind of pain after birth. Right? Yeah. After you gave birth? Right would be a reason to go. Right. Okay. Right. Right. And not just felt it depends on which one you wanted to go to? I guess like, yeah,
Janelle Orion 13:17
so I would think that the, I would say in some cases, and I think a really, a trauma informed, well trained, holistic pelvic care, if they're like, actually, you need medical intervention, they would refer you to someone like that. Yeah. But what I would say, in my experience that I'm be curious to hear your experience with, like gynecology, and I don't know about pelvic floor PT specifically, is that they don't, in my experience, ever talk about the energetic, or the mental, or the emotional side of things or just talking about the physical. So if you want to actually, again, be more holistic in the care that you're looking for, even if it requires, like medical attention, it could be an emotional or energetic issue.
Andrea Enright 14:04
So something to keep in mind is that you wouldn't, because when I had a baby, I when I birth to my daughter, you know, I was going to a birthing center. Right. So my, my OB GYN there were incredibly attuned to the energy, right, and so so as my birth because I had it at the birthing center. So I think like birth has come a long way like traditional OBGYN GYN is one thing. You have lots of other options now amazing. So if you start there, that's a good place to begin. If you want something that's energetic and medical, at the same time, throughout your pregnancy, let's say is the birthing center. Well, that's, you know, this was 14 years ago, but that's what was available to me. I'm sure there's way more available now. Maybe OBGYN have a pelvic floor specialists that they recommend when you're pregnant. I don't I don't really know. Neither one of us are in that space. So yeah,
Janelle Orion 14:54
I think just to differentiate there, as I said, like there's the pelvic floor PT, right? And then Then there's the holistic pelvic care. And one is associate to the medical profession. Yeah. And one is is not.
Andrea Enright 15:07
Okay. So yeah, so I'm here, I guess getting back to like the brushing teeth, you're just like, this is something that needs maintenance and care. Just like your hair, just like your teeth, just like your dirt skin, just the different doctor. Right, right. Different kinds of what's the word? therapist or practitioner? Right. Okay, so I think I was also wondering about age. I mean, should a 16 year old go?
Janelle Orion 15:31
I suppose, I suppose. I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I would, I would say is, you know, you and I don't have guests on our podcast. So we're not interviewing Sydney. Everything I'm saying is my experience. And but I did not interview her to say, what are the some of the answers to this? So I don't know what she would say. Great point. Okay. But what I would say after my experience is like, all of us would benefit from this kind of knowledge and experience. And so if it's, if it's not teenagers, which to me, possibly could be certainly in your 20s.
Andrea Enright 16:08
For sure, yeah. And how did you feel differently, after you went,
Janelle Orion 16:12
my body felt more open. And for me several times throughout the session, she would touch an area in that could have been in my head, she did great cranial sacral work. And like, it felt like she lifted my head in such a way that like, oh, the energy just started flowing. So I started shaking vibrate, which is what my body often does. And then she also spends a lot of time doing a belly massage. And that was really fascinating. Because I always have been curious as to why most massages, not all but most massages that I've gone gotten don't include the belly. And she spent a lot of time like moving the organs around. And that's like a very intimate and vulnerable sensation to have someone be massaging my belly. And I also when I left, it felt more aligned with at a very deep level, like going to a chiropractor where I'm either like, did you do, like adjust me? Yeah. And I feel like I'm more aligned. I actually felt the same way, but at an energetic level. Wow.
Andrea Enright 17:19
Okay, that's fascinating. So tell me a little bit about like inside touch versus outside touch. If you weren't comfortable with the inside touch? Or does everyone do
Janelle Orion 17:31
that? What's the Nope. So I think something to stress is that these sessions, you're always really the goal. I mean, I don't think I've said this yet. But the whole goal is what is pausing because it's like, so important of like, when we activate our lifeforce energy, there's a sense of safety in our body, right, our nervous system is relaxed. And when our nervous system is relaxed, we feel safe. And that's actually the point of what she's doing. She is trying to help every woman feel safe in her body. So that's okay, that's a reason to go. Yeah, right. So for whatever reason, you don't, and I do feel safe in my body, and I still have a reason to go. But if you don't feel safe in your body, then that's also a reason to so she is going to are a holistic care specialists, pelvic care specialist is going to move at the speed of your nervous system. And in the case of in her case, right, there's there's intake call, which happens, you know, over the phone, and then the first session is actually a non, it's a non agenda session, but it's also a non genital session, okay, that she is a tuning her nervous system to your nervous system. And that making sure that trust is established. And it could be that that happens for many sessions in a row, right? Because there's no rush. Every session is what's here. What's the energy that's present, and following the path of that energy? So it could be, you know, that she spends sessions just working on the belly, right? Because there could be a lot of energy in the belly. Yeah, that needs to be released. So it's different for every woman. And so I'm talking about what you know, happens for me, but if you end up going or if someone else goes, totally different experience, right, but the goal being feeling safe in your body, and understanding your womb and your pelvis and this is erotic energy, and allowing it to start to flow more. Okay,
Andrea Enright 19:41
thank you for sharing that. And then
Janelle Orion 19:44
in her case, she offers three month containers because she feels that that is where the most amount of change. She doesn't know what change is going to take place for women, but that she can guarantee that change will happen. At the end of those three months, and that every woman is going to be different, um, every session is going to be different. And so for me, she and I were doing a trade because we're both practitioners just in a different vein. And it was, for me, it's like one of my biggest takeaways was the like, What the fuck? How do I not? Like, how did I not know about this? And how have I never been before? And I want to, you know, as she had discussed, like, shout this from the rooftops. And so my rooftop is a podcast to say every woman look into this. And be
Andrea Enright 20:42
curious. Okay. And so because this is, I mean, it probably heard about a pelvic floor specialist maybe a year ago. But is it that they haven't been around until recently? Were they called something else? Or did I just not know about them? Like, where have they been? Like, why don't why don't why this is the first and last year is the first time hearing about this? Yeah,
Janelle Orion 21:03
I don't know. I honestly, I don't know. I mean, it what it feels like is that the women, the elders, the the witches, the knowledge of the feminine body has been oppressed for a long time. Yeah. And so as that starts to, like, come back out into the open, we're learning about it more is my best
Andrea Enright 21:25
guess. Got it? Okay. Okay, I know you've mentioned gynecologist, it's different. It's not the same. But we're told to get a pap smear every year, you know, or depending on your health, you know, every two. And I think you've said no, it's really not related. Like if you're going to a gynecologist, it is not the same as this, right?
Janelle Orion 21:46
Correct. Yes, I cannot stress enough how it is nothing like going to the garden to college, just. And I actually love my gynecologist. I've been seeing her for 20 years. But it is so fast. It's 20 minutes. It's what's wrong? Is there a problem? Are you in pain? Right? Oh, posttest. Yeah, I've had traumatic experiences at the gynecologist were like, you know, scraping my cervix and like, it was like, it's cold, it's uncomfortable. There's nothing honoring about it, or sacred about it. Right. And it's a totally different goal, which is the gynecologist is there to like, is there anything wrong? Or just making sure there's nothing wrong? Yeah, and I would say with a pelvic care specialist, the intention is how to help you feel safe in your body, how to relax and regulate your nervous system, and how to honor with sacredness, this incredible, potent, magical, mystical part of our body.
Andrea Enright 22:52
That's my job. That's all. Just that. I think you said to that the, like the settings a little different than
Janelle Orion 23:01
rich. And again, we'll talk about, you know, I don't know where you're listening to this, you might not be in Denver, you not might not be able to see her. So everyone, obviously, every specialist is going to be different. But in this case, right, her room, it was beautiful. There was beautiful light there green plants. There were soft energy table warmer for blanket soft music. Right. Everything was attuned to help my body feel relaxed. Yeah, right. Amazing. It's also a three hour session, two to three hours, right? Compared to the 10 minutes or 15 minutes that you're getting with your gynecologist, right. I mean, it is there it is spacious, there is time for dropping in. There's time for expression, there's time for a release, like emotional release, what ever comes up is welcome there. And there's the spaciousness to allow for that.
Andrea Enright 23:55
So different. So different. You can see to how be it's a three month container. Because, you know, you might have things that come up that are just under the surface of your skin, but I don't know if you're ready to express them yet, or you don't know how to express them or what's going on, you're not sure. Things that have been buried for Ella potentially for a long time, right in
Janelle Orion 24:15
for me in the work that I had done, like probably, you know, separate from this container, right when I was doing my own internal massages, you know, using a crystal wand.
Andrea Enright 24:29
And this will be a new concept for a lot of people. So maybe talk about that a little bit.
Janelle Orion 24:33
Okay, yeah. So there's a phrase called de armoring. Which is the idea is like you're releasing stuck energy in the body, and that energy got stuck because of some probably childhood trauma that we like. It got stuck and we put it up to protect ourselves is a coat of armor, and it served its purpose and it worked well. But as adults So it's no longer in service.
Andrea Enright 25:03
Are you talking capital T trauma or are small t trauma? Both
Janelle Orion 25:08
Okay, okay. Yeah. I mean, I ended up when I was doing this work for myself a couple years ago realized, Oh, I didn't think I had any sexual shame. And then realized I did, right. And one of the sexual shame experiences came from paying doctor as a child. There was no big T trauma at all in that right. But I didn't get caught and get in trouble. Something wrong. Right constriction. Right. Got it. Okay. Right. So and so really what happened in that moment was that my curiosity was shut down. I was essentially told that my curiosity was not okay. Not allowed, not allowed. And so that's an example of free me. Of Oh, when I looked at the sexual shame, like I didn't even think I had it, doing this work in the way that I did it to this dig, Dr. Marine, which is, you will be doing with her as well, is like, you don't know what's gonna come up. And then a lot of times it is repressed memories. And, or it can be something that always is, you know, it can be and that was the case for me. And then it was like, Oh, right. I was got in trouble for my curiosity in different ways. And yeah, I mean, I remember, like having a boy upstairs in my bedroom, and my mom coming home, and then being like, and like hiding in my closet, and like this whole thing, and just like, shake, my body is shutting down and fear of like, oh my god, I'm getting a good job. Oh, I'm gonna get caught. Mm hmm. And that's enough to get stuck. Hmm.
Andrea Enright 26:40
I mean, that probably happens to lots of people.
Janelle Orion 26:42
Right. So So you asked this Victor Lewis, he's not. It's not that's not a big T. Yeah,
Andrea Enright 26:46
I guess I just don't want to like put to feels a little bit strange to be like, Oh, you've got you're carrying sexual shame. Because you almost got caught feeling up? Like, you know, but I think that's my friend.
Janelle Orion 27:01
Yeah. But I think it has to. So everyone's sexual shame comes from something different, right. So what's my conditioning? What's my, like, what was the family pattern that I came from like that? Well, that wasn't okay. Like, there's no judgment. Like, you can't tell me what I had shame on. And I'm not gonna tell you what you had shame. Sure, sure.
Andrea Enright 27:17
But sexual shame is feels really like a very loaded word phrase. I think that's what I'm responding to you right now. I'm like, Whoa, like, and maybe it's just like, because it's not talked about, right? It feels really big. And I'm like, sexual shame. Like, but you're saying sexual shame can be really small. I mean, not okay. Let's not say big or small. But it can be a wide variety of things. Right? Yes.
Janelle Orion 27:43
So I'm what I'm telling you is moments that I felt shame. Yep. Yeah. Around a sexual situation. Got it.
Andrea Enright 27:51
I got it. Yeah, I understand. I think it's just that phrase, like, in society has an association for me. That's something like sexual assault being molested. Like it just I associate it with something that's like capital T trauma. And, like, Oh, this is just like, even just the smallest thing where you're like, No, don't
Janelle Orion 28:11
do that. Right. If someone has told you not to do something that you wanted to do, right could instill shame. I understand. Or evoke shame. Right? Which is what happened for me? Yeah, got it.
Andrea Enright 28:22
Okay, understood. This is okay. And it this does, this is definitely, you know, the hakomi therapy, hakomi therapy. I'm not gonna get this right. But this is something that I've learned about where you're about, you're storing things in different so I had a call me call me therapist, was like, uh, where do you feel that I'm like, What do you mean, what do I feel that right? I didn't know because it wasn't tuned into my body. And over time, I'm like, Oh, I'm starting that my stomach. It's all on my stomach. Like, that's where I feel it. We all start in different places. And this is the book that the Body Keeps the Score. And it's just remembered the author of that because that is like a Bible. Yeah. Bessel Vander Kolk. And that, and I haven't read the whole thing. I've just read like little bits and pieces and different articles. But it's, it's on our shelf. It's my husband's book, but just coming back to the body. It's like, No, you are storing things in different parts of your body from different experiences you've had across life.
Janelle Orion 29:15
Yes. And that's actually a great yeah, like a mic drop moment for people to realize that that is foundational to the conversation that you and I actually, maybe you're making an assumption that people understand is that this idea that in this body keeps a score book is one of like, the seminal books on this topic. Where that, that traumas big cheat or little T but like, certainly big cheese gets stored in the body in our cellular structure. And how can we release that stuck energy? Understand it is is where a lot of like, freedom lies.
Andrea Enright 29:56
Yeah, beautiful. This is fascinating and like Almost jarring. It's like, Whoa, this is even just a lot to take in be like, Okay, what someone's like, I have to integrate it and think I'm curious what, where is it that I'm potentially holding something or not releasing? Or where's their energy?
How could this help my menopause? You know, we
Janelle Orion 30:24
don't know what we don't know.
Andrea Enright 30:24
Exactly, exactly. And what what part of my body is it? Is it impacting right? By not caring for my womb or not, you know, attuning to this center of my body? Right? Because
Janelle Orion 30:36
back to the lifeforce energy. Yeah, which is that it's physical, its mental, it's emotional, It's spiritual. So you don't, none of us know, right, but like in releasing, or attending to important attention into something in our womb, it could impact multiple areas of our life, which is why she says after a three month container, she doesn't know what change is going to happen for a woman, but she knows that change will happen, because it can't not change when you're focused on this route.
Andrea Enright 31:05
Okay. I'm like, I feel like kind of like I did, when I first realized that I should go to therapy. And I was like, in yoga, and someone had told me like, oh, maybe you should try therapy. And I was like, oh, oh, like then I was so curious. And then I remember she was like, she's like, Well, be careful. Like, you're really opening a can of worms. I'm like, oh, no, it's too late. I'm going, like, I'm so excited. I can't wait to see what what the fuck they're gonna find. Yeah. And I feel like not to say there is anything to find. But what could be what could shifts? Right?
Janelle Orion 31:39
Well, and so there are different things that I learned. And one of the things that I learned that she said, was that anxiety is stored in the labia. And I was like, tell my friend about that.
Andrea Enright 31:54
What are you saying? I don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, really interesting. That's yeah, that's, that's fascinating. Yeah. So okay, I have to know more about that. Obviously, offline. I feel like that up. But so Bravehearts, if you're listening, and you're interested, you don't live in Denver, obviously, Google this. See what part holistic
Janelle Orion 32:17
failable Yeah, holistic pelvic care is the kind of modality that we're talking about today. Yeah,
Andrea Enright 32:25
thanks so much. This is thanks for sharing. Yeah, so openly and vulnerably. Well, and
Janelle Orion 32:29
thank you for all the questions and I will say that like, just like I said, I go into the gynecologist right can also lead to some like traumatic experiences, which I have had, that you do want to do your research and finding someone because we are talking about a sacred area. Yeah. And so looking for someone who is does have trauma informed trainings. And who is like since the goal is to help you feel more safe in your body. If you do the intake call with anybody or have a session and you don't feel safe and that's the listen to that trust your body and trust your body and not pursue it. So it's not that every single person who's doing this work is the most amazing thing ever. You want to do your research.
Andrea Enright 33:12
I'm doing cables No.
Cables. Just Just be good. giggles thanks brave hearts. We love you.
Janelle Orion 33:22
If you have any questions feel free to go to permission to be human dot live and reach out ciaochao
Andrea Enright 33:33
Do you need permission to be human?
You got it?
Janelle Orion 33:35
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